Applicant Income Limits
HUD establishes income limits for all areas of the country. Income limits are used for eligibility only at admission to our housing programs. Income eligibility is determined by comparing the annual income of an applicant family to the applicable income limit for their family size.
In order to be income eligible, an applicant family must be at or below the income limits for their family size.
These Income Limits are effective as of April 1, 2024.
Public Housing:
1 Person - $59,400
2 Person - $67,850
3 Person - $76,350
4 Person - $84,800
5 Person - $91,600
6 Person - $98,400
7 Person - $105,200
8 Person - $111,950
Multi-Family & Housing Choice Voucher:
1 Person - $37,100
2 Person - $42,400
3 Person - $47,700
4 Person - $53,000
5 Person - $57,250
6 Person - $61,500
7 Person - $65,750
8 Person - $70,000