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IFB: Lawncare and Landscape Services

Invitation for Bids
Lawncare and Landscape Services
Housing Authority of the City of Rock Hill
467 S. Wilson Street Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730

Due Date January 23, 2025
2:00 PM

Amendment - 12/18/2024

Table of Contents

  • Solicitation, Offer and Award Contract Form
  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Bid Submittal
  • Selection of Contractor(s)
  • Bid Requirements & Examination of Work to be Performed

Section I

  • General Information

Section II

  • Scope of Services
  • Hours When Work is to be Performed
  • Specifications
  • Landscape Maintenance Standards & Specifications
  • Turf Mowing Schedule
  • Properties and Locations of Work to be Performed
  • Contractor's Employees
  • Reductions in Pay
  • Changes to the Scope of Work and Termination of Contract
  • Payment to Contractor(s)
  • Award to contract (s)
  • Contact Information

Section III

  • Proposal Submission Form

All attachments MUST be submitted to be considered a complete RFP Package submission. Contact Bonnie Patton for all forms/attachments.

Bid Submission Form - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.

  1. Instructions to Offerors Non-Construction (HUD 5369-B)
  2. Certifications & Representations of Offerors (Non-Construction contract) (HUD 5369-C) - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.
  3. General Contract Conditions for Small Construction/Development Contracts (HUD 5370-EZ)
  4. Non-Collusive Affidavit
  5. RHHA Conflict of Interest Statement (must be executed)
  6. Section 3 & Equal Opportunity Contracting Project Utilization Plan - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.
  7. References - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.
  8. W-9 Form
  9. Build America, Buy America Compliance Form - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.


    Project Title: Lawncare & Landscaping Services
    Issue Date: November 18, 2024
    Issuing Agency: Housing Authority of the City of Rock Hill
    Location(s) of Work: Various Locations
    Contract Period: Award through twelve months after award with option for up to four additional years.
    Pre-Meeting: Thursday, December 19th, 2024 @ 10:00 am (local time) Central Office at 467 S. Wilson Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730
    Due Date: Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 @ 2:00 pm (local time) Central Office at 467 S. Wilson Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730

    All questions/concerns prior to submittal of a bid shall be in writing and submitted on company letterhead and faxed to Ms. Bonnie Patton, Purchasing Specialist at 803.324.5857 or emailed to at least 10 days prior to bid due date.
    The Housing Authority of the City of Rock Hill (the Authority or RHHA) is a public body created under the authority of the general statues of the state of South Carolina. The six member Board of Commissioners is appointed by the Mayor of the City of Rock Hill for staggered five-year terms. The Board, in turn, elects a Chairman and appoints an Executive Director to administer the affairs of the Authority. The Authority's operations and relationship with the federal government are governed by contracts allowing the Authority to construct, own, and operate public housing facilities, as well as make housing assistance payments for eligible individuals and families. The Board of Commissioners authorizes these contracts with United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to the latter agency's regulations and statutory authorizations.

    The Housing Authority of the City of Rock Hill (RHHA) provides affordable housing to eligible low-income families in the City of Rock Hill, South Carolina and the surrounding community. The Housing Authority is committed to providing safe, decent and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage its resources efficiently. The Housing Authority promotes, personal, economic and social upward mobility in order to provide families the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized to nonsubsidized housing. The Housing Authority receives funding through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to administer a Public Housing Program, a Capital Fund Program (CFP) and a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.

    The Housing Authority of the City of Rock Hill owns and operates 369 units of Public Housing, owns and operates a 56 unit Section 8 New Construction apartment complex, administers a 614 unit Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, and 8 other units of rental housing while the Authority's affiliate owns 34 units of affordable housing. All of the Authority's funds are enterprise funds. These funds are grouped under the following programs; federally subsidized programs, and real estate management (business activities) activities. Federally subsidized programs include low-income public housing; Housing choice voucher program, and capital fund programs. The real estate management activities of the Authority are: Crosby Street apartments, Chestnut Street apartments, Great Falls and Lige apartments.

The Housing Authority of the city of Rock Hill and its nonprofit Carolina Housing and Community Development Corporation, is seeking bids for a Contractor who has demonstrated abilities to perform the attached Scope of Work The contractor must currently be in the business of providing lawn care and landscaping maintenance services of this type. All applicable federal, state and local laws. ordinances and regulations must be adhered to. Contractors submitting a bid should review the procurement requirements listed.
Specifically, the selected Contractor(s) will be required to:

  • Execute a contract with the Housing Authority
  • Complete certain forms and certifications
  • Maintain General Liability Insurance ($1,000,000 minimum); Workers Compensation Insurance ($500,000)
    and business automobile liability ($1,000,000) and furnish proof of such insurance;

No contractor who is the recipient of Housing Authority funds. or who proposes to perform any work or furnish any goods under this agreement shall discriminate against any worker, employee, applicant, or any member of the public because of race, color, sex, gender. sexual orientation, religion, age, marital status, national origin, veterans status, physical or mental disability or perceived disability, or other criteria protected by law. Discriminatory practices based on the foregoing are declared to be contrary to the public policy of the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority complies with alt Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. The Housing Authority does not discriminate in the admission of, or employment in, its programs, activities or services. Minority and women owned businesses, as well as contractors located in York, or Chester or Mecklenburg County, are encouraged to submit bids.

Bid Submittal
Bid responses shall be submitted on the Bid Submission Form (pages 12-15). All costs are to be final.

Bids must include a minimum of three professional references. These references should be attached to the Bid Submission Form and include current contract information including name, address, telephone number and email address.

Please direct any questions regarding proposal submission to the Purchasing Specialist listed on Page 11.

Completed Bid submissions must be received no later than Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. and delivered to Housing Authority of the City of Rock Hill, 467 S. Wilson Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730. clearly marked "Lawn Care & Landscaping Services.

NOTE: Contractors may bid on one or multiple locations. More than one contractor may be selected. Bids received after this deadline may be refused and deemed ineligible for consideration at the Housing Authority's sole discretion.

Selection of Contractor(s)
The Housing Authority will review all bids submitted for each property and if deemed to be in the best interest of the Housing Authority, a Contractor will be chosen or if deemed necessary multiple Contractors will be chosen. The Housing Authority shall be free to accept any bid it deems appropriate in its sole discretion. The Housing Authority
will determine final scope and project components, based on funding availability.

The Contractor(s) selected will be required to submit a Certificate of Insurance naming the Housing Authority as an additional insured, which will be reviewed by the Executive Director.

A contract will then be negotiated between the Contractor(s) and the Housing Authority, with each agreeing to the terms of the contract and affixing authorized signatures. The contractor(s) will be required to complete all forms and certificates required by the Housing Authority, State and Federal governments.

Bid Submission Requirements & Examination of Work to be Performed
The contractor(s) is required to thoroughly examine the Bid requirements and the work contemplated, and it will be assumed that the contractor(s) has investigated and is satisfied as to the requirements. It is mutually agreed that submission of a bid shall be considered prima fade evidence that the contractor has made such examination.

Before submitting the Bid, the contractor(s) shall examine the scope of work and visit the site(s) of the work to become familiar with the working conditions and exact nature and extent of the work taking into account any special or unusual features peculiar to this project. By submitting a Bid, the contractor(s), if selected for award, shall
be deemed to have accepted the terms of this solicitation.

There will be a pre-bid meeting on Thursday, December 16th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Housing Authority's central office, 467 S. Wilson Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730 to discuss the Request for IFB, including viewing existing conditions, examination of scope of work and to answer questions.

Section I

This solicitation contains instructions governing the content of the bids and the format in which they are to be submitted. It does not attempt to define all of the contract needs nor detail them. Rather, it is flexible and allows for the credentials of the contractor to be demonstrated in the areas of expertise necessary to the contract. There are mandatory requirements to be met, but should the contractor(s) foresee the need for qualifications of the effort or additional requirements, concise and relevant discussion is encouraged. Questions from contractor(s) shall be accepted by the Purchasing Specialist via email or phone. Emails shall be submitted to  or by phone 803-324-6360.

Section II

This scope of work pertains to the requirements of maintaining grass and landscaped areas at various locations in the city of Rock Hill and Great Falls (Housing Authority properties). The overall responsibility of the Contractor(s) is to coordinate, plan, manage, and perform activities described in this solicitation and to maintain an acceptable
appearance in those areas included in the solicitation.

The Contractor(s) shall furnish all labor and materials necessary to perform the mowing and landscaping maintenance tasks in the solicitation. Contractor(s) shall complete all the tasks listed below and will comply with all the requirements and specifications.

It shall be the Contractor(s) responsibility to verify the areas, sizes and quantities of the surfaces and items to be maintained in this solicitation. Failure of the Contractor(s) to verify the listed amounts shall not relieve the Contractor(s) of the responsibility to provide all services required to the standards included herein, for the prices
submitted in the Contractor(s) bid.


All work is to be performed Monday through Friday, from 8am - 5pm. No work shall be done on Saturday or Sunday without written permission from the Housing Authority.


  1. At least five (5) business days prior to the commencement of the contract, the Contractor(s) shall Submit in writing to the Contract Manager or his/her designee, the name of the On-site supervisor authorized to act for the Contractor(s) in every detail for the lawn mowing and landscape services.
  2. At least five (5) business days prior to the commencement of the contract, the Contract Manager or his appointee will confer with the Contractor(s) and review the total specification requirements, total workload and lawn mowing and landscaping services proposed by the Contractor(s).


The lawn and landscaped areas must be maintained and serviced at the frequency and to the standards as detailed in these specifications. The contract Manager or his/her designee shall determine whether the tasks have been performed, and that the performance is in accordance with the standards set forth in these specifications. Failure to perform a task or to perform a task to the specified standard will result in reductions in the Contractor's monthly invoice.

Landscape Maintenance Standards and Specifications
The following standard outlines the scope of services and responsibilities required of the Contractor(s), but may not be inclusive of the entire scope of services. The specifications outline the quantity and category of work required. Other parts of the solicitation (not included here) provide requirements such as insurance
and licensing standards, hours of work, work authorizations, etc.


    1. Contractor(s) shall replace, at no additional cost the Housing Authority, any turf, plant materials or any other Housing Authority property damaged as a result of improper maintenance attention or procedures. Replacement material shall be of the same size and variety as the dead or damaged material. Property damage resolution must be done within two weeks of identification of damage. Alternatives to size, variety and scheduling or replacement must have written
      permission of Housing Authority.
    2. Contractor(s) is not responsible for losses, repair or replacement of damaged work or plant material resulting from theft, extreme weather conditions, vandalism, vehicular incidents (other than contractor's vehicles) or the acts of others over whom they have no reasonable control.
    3. Contractor(s) shall inform the Housing Authority of plant losses unrelated to the maintenance activities, provide the Housing Authority with a probable cause of the plant loss, and provide recommendations for replacement along with pricing for replacements.

      1. Contractor(s) will provide staff able to perform work at the highest standards of horticultural excellence. Key staff shall have current knowledge of best management practices (BMP's) regarding: safety, hazardous materials spill response, lawn care, plant health, pruning, and integrated pest management. The Housing Authority reserves the right to demand the
        replacement of Contractor's staff who do not meet the Housing Authority standards for safety, professionalism, or horticultural knowledge.
      2. Contractor shall maintain a log of activities performed and provide a written copy monthly with invoice.
      3. Establish a schedule/chart for regular maintenance activities by area and submit to Housing Authority for review.

B. Scope of Work

    1. This document is intended as a benchmark of the Housing Authority's minimum standards for maintenance, repair and improvements. However, the Housing Authority respects the
      Contractor(s) as a professional and as such, will take under consideration, and all recommendations made by the Contractor(s).
    2. Contractor(s) shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete, the use of Turf is fine and plantings, as specified herein. It is the intent of the Housing authority that each of the sites be maintained in a resource-efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective manner.
    3. Maintenance shall consist of spring removal of old mulch, pruning, mowing, Integrated Pest Management (IMP), weed/insect/disease control, litter control and any other procedures consistent with good horticultural practice necessary to ensure normal, vigorous, and healthy growth of turf and landscape plantings.
    4. All turf shall be mowed with professional quality mulch mowing equipment. Prior to award of contract, Contractor(s) shall provide to the Housing Authority the make and model of the mower(s) that will be used.
    5. Contractor(s) is encouraged to use non-polluting devices like rakes and brooms when feasible.
      The Housing Authority prefers that blowers and other power equipment are low-decibel, low-fossil fuel consumption, and low-emissions models.
    6. Contractor(s) is encouraged to develop cultural practices which incorporate on-site recycling of organic materials, such as leaves and grass clippings, and the use of recycled materials in its maintenance operations.
    7. Contractor shall visually inspect all landscape areas monthly from April through September to identify potential pest problems. Pest problems include insect, disease, and weed infestations. The presence of pest does not necessarily mean there is a problem. Contractor(s) shall keep written records of pests Identified and areas where problems may be developing.
    8. Cooperatively identify any area where non-chemical 1PM control methods should begin.
    9. Control of Weeds: Use cultural methods (mulch, proper pruning,) to encourage plant health and growth and discourage weeds. Keep planter beds and tree wells free of weeds and debris on a rotational basis, weekly throughout the year by hand pulling or other mechanical means. Entire
      site shall be weeded by hand or mechanical weeding methods that remove roots every week. Ground covers are to be trimmed so they meet but do not grow over walkways or outside any of the planters.


    1. All turf will be mowed with professional quality mulching mower equipment. Pricing assumes that bagging and removing clippings will be required only when excessive leaf
      debris is present, turf is too long to mulch, or when moisture conditions are too high to allow effective mulching without substantial clumping of turf debris
    2. Prior to each mowing, remove all litter and debris from lawn areas. Formal turf areas shall be mowed per the schedule below and maintained at a height of no less than 2 ½ inches and no more than 4 inches. Coordinate mowing schedules with Housing Authority.
    3. Alternate mowing direction where feasible every mowing. Maintain a uniform lawn height free from scalping.
    4. The Housing Authority and the Contractor(s) will evaluate and determine any areas that require bagging and removal of clippings on a regular year-around basis.
    5. Contractor is responsible for any damage incurred as a result of mower damage to trees and shrubs and must repair or replace any such damage at no cost to the Housing Authority. Properly maintained tree wells are encouraged to minimize such damage.
    6. Maintain a uniform lawn height free from scalping
    7. Clippings will be swept or blown from hardscapes after each mowing. Sweeping is encouraged when feasible.
  2. Turf Mowing Schedule
    April - Weekly
    May - Weekly
    June - Weekly
    July - Weekly
    August - Every 10 Days
    September - Every 10 Days
    October - Two Mowings
    November - Two Mowings
    NOTE: Base Contract price includes 30 mowings per the mowing schedule. Schedule of mowings may be altered per the Housing Authority's request or as required by climatic conditions.
    1. Mechanically trim all and landscape turf edges once a month. Edges include all formal lawn perimeters and tree wells in lawn areas. In April, June and August, refine all formal lawn edges with a mechanical blade-type edger or hand spade. Clean debris from hardscapes and non-turf landscape areas. Remove larger debris.
    2. Trim all format lawn areas that cannot be reached by a mower after each mowing. Areas ton be trimmed include any lawn adjacent to poles, signs, bollards, trees, walls and all other obstacles. Perform trimming to the same height as mowing. Clean debris from hardscapes and non-turf landscape areas, remove larger debris.
    3. Contractor(s) shall trim around all guardrails every other mowing.
    4. Contractor(s) is responsible for any damage incurred as a result of trimmer or edger damage to trees and shrubs and must repair or replace any such damage at no cost to the Housing Authority. Properly maintained tree wells are encouraged to minimize such damage.


    1. Keep walks, patios, planting beds, roadways free of debris on a weekly basis throughout the year.
    2. Remove all trash from landscaping beds and turf areas. Contractor(s) shall haul it away for appropriate disposal
    3. Remove biodegradable landscape debris (turf clippings (limited to only those times when mulch mowing is not possible), leaves, branches, dead plant material, etc.


  1. Properties included in bid:
    1. Housing Authority Central Office (467 S. Wilson Street)
    2. S. Wilson Street Complex (521- 545)
    3. Boyd Hill Complex (Fargo Street (211 - 318); Drake Court (109-147); Lister Street (214- 258); Constitution Blvd (1307-1367)
    4. North Confederate Avenue (322A- 318) Pendleton Street Complex (401- 523)
    5. North Jones Avenue (327A- 317D) Hutchinson Street Complex (310A-338D)
    6. S. Workman Street Complex (380-416A)
    7. Keiger Village (110A-570B)
    8. Crosby Street (521 - 525)
    9. Chestnut Street (371- 379)
    10. Lige Street (350 - 379)
    11. Eastwood Drive (948- 972) Gordon Court (519- 547) Willowbrook Avenue ( 1015-1035)
    12. Great Falls Complexes Boo Chester Avenue (1-25) (26-56)
    13. Rock Street (122- 126)- Hampton Street (507 - 509)
  2. Each location will require a separate bid. Each Bid location will be reviewed and a determination will be made to include or exclude from solicitation. Note: Contractor does not have to bid on every complex write No Bid for any complex you do not wish to bid on.


  1. Personnel employed by the Contractor(s) shall be capable employees qualified in this type of work. A fully qualified work force shall be maintained throughout the period of this contract. All personnel shall receive close and continuing first-line supervision.
  2. The Contractor's supervisors shall be fully and adequately trained and experienced in lawn care and landscaping supervision sufficient in scope to meet the approval of the Contract Manager.
  3. The Contractor(s) shall employ the quantity and quality of supervision necessary for both effective and efficient  management of lawn and landscaping operations at all times.
  4. Contractor(s) shall be liable for any damages caused directly or indirectly by its employees.


  1. Reductions for below standard work will be made if, after the second documented notification, the Contractor(s) has not corrected the deficiency and Housing Authority worker(s) are assigned to perform the tasks (s) or was not completed at all by the contractor.
  2. Reductions for non-performance will be made if the task(s) was not done and Housing Authority worker(s) have to be assigned immediately to perform the task(s).
  3. Reductions for A. and B. above will be based on the hourly billing rate of the Housing Authority employee(s) plus benefits assigned to perform the task(s) times the hour(s) required for Housing
    Authority to perform the task(s). If the work was not performed by the contractor(s) and was just omitted, a deduction based on percentage of the overall monthly bill minus the work not completed will be calculated and bill adjusted accordingly.


  1. The Contract Manager at any time may have to change the scope of the contract by written contract modification. On the designated effective date, the Contractor(s) shall make the required changes in his/her operation.
  2. Upon receiving notice of the change, the contractor's monthly invoice shall be adjusted if necessary to reflect the value of the change in the services under this contract.
  3. The Housing Authority may cancel the contract at any time for any reason upon giving 30 day written notice to the Contractor(s).
  4. The Housing Authority shall have the right to cancel this Agreement immediately without prior notice for any breach of any provision of the contract if not cured within seven (7) days from written notice from the Housing Authority.


  1. The Housing Authority will demand strict conformance to the standards and frequency specified. The Contract Manager or his/her designee will enforce the standards of this contract.


  1. At the end of each month, the Contractor(s) shall render to the Housing Authority their invoice, for the services provided during the preceding month.
  2. Add Alternate Tasks that were performed during that month shall be itemized separately.
  3. The Housing Authority shall review the invoice and any necessary reductions which must be made in accordance with the conditions of the Contract. Should the Contractor's invoice not include all necessary reductions, the invoice shall be reduced by the amount of the non-included reductions and processed for payment. The Contractor(s) shall be notified of the reductions made and supplied with copies of documentation supporting those reductions.


  1. The successful Contractor(s) shall provide an On-Site Supervisor who speaks and writes fluent English and will represent the Contractor(s) concerning this Contract. This On-Site Supervisor will make routine communications with the appropriate Contract Manager or his/her designee to receive instructions or other input regarding lawn mowing and landscaping services needs and activities
  2. The On-Site Supervisor is responsible for directing the Contractor's work force and accountable for all activities and behavior of all personnel assigned by the Contractor to perform work under this contract.
  3. The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for training and safety precautions for Contractor employees performing work under these specifications.


  1. Standard for Contract Award
    Upon a determination by RHHA of the availability of funds, RHHA may negotiate a contract with any one or more of the successful Bidder(s). Any contract award pursuant to this solicitation shall be made to the responsible Bidder(s) whose bid, conforming with all material terms and conditions of the Invitation for Bids (IFB) is the lowest price.

Bonnie Patton
Purchasing Specialist
Office: 803.324.6360 

Bid Submission Form - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.


  1. Instructions to Offerors Non-Construction (HUD 5369-B)
  2. Certifications & Representations of Offerors (Non-Construction contract) (HUD 5369-C) - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.
  3. General Contract Conditions for Small Construction/Development Contracts (HUD 5370-EZ)
  4. Non-Collusive Affidavit
  5. RHHA Conflict of Interest Statement (must be executed)
  6. Section 3 & Equal Opportunity Contracting Project Utilization Plan - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.
  7. References - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.
  8. W-9 Form
  9. Build America, Buy America Compliance Form - Contact Bonnie Patton for Form.

Amendment #001 for the following solicitations:
24-IFB-001 (Lawncare and Landscape Services)


  1. In the event that lawncare services are deemed necessary for any month(s) prior to April the Authority will use the monthly price submitted and agreed upon for the months of April - November.

All other requirements, specifications, terms and conditions for the above mentioned solicitations remain the same.