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Ross Catawba Assessments

Two volunteer employees sit across from a resident that is filing out paperwork for her assessment.
Residents are gathered around the table where volunteers are seated to help with assesments.
A woman wearing glasses is inspecting a new posture cane that was given as an event freebie.
Two canopies are set up on the grass and have tables underneath them.
Volunteers help a resident who is looking through items on the table.
Two volunteers sit across the table from two residents that have come to be assessed.
A resident stands and talks with the two volunteers that are seated at the Catawaba Area on Aging table.
Two people are sitting at a picnic table that has Clorox wipes and face masks lined up.
Two people are sitting at a picnic table that has Clorox wipes and face masks lined up; one of them is opening a box of face masks.
Two volunteer employees sit across from a resident, helping her with her assessment paperwork.